Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Selling Your Car; get the best deal

Everyone at one point will want to sell their car. There are few things you can't change about your worn car, like it's engine's condition, frame of the body and the cabin's wear and tear without putting in more cash than it should. However here are few things you can do to upgrade the impression that your car can give.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Raya Promotion for Proton; August 2011

Hello readers,
Here it is the details you have been waiting for. The Merdeka-Raya Promotion! Please remember that these promotions are valid for this month only. When you book a car at any date this month, you are entitled for the discounts/ offers even though your car is registered next month.
However, compared to last month's promotion, August 2011's offers are less than the previous month. Maybe this is how Proton does their marketing strategies. From what I have observed, the best time to buy before raya is 2 months prior to the celebration. Well this is merely my observation, I won't even bet on it. Promotions by Proton is very unpredictable, so when you see the offer is already satisfying, do not wait the next month to take your first step.

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