Monday, June 27, 2011

Graduate Scheme; 100% loan

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Dearest customers,
I am so glad you came in to drop by. Here is the latest news about making loans. Good news to all fresh graduates who are recently employed. You are entitled to have 100% loan when you purchase a new car the 1st day you received your appoint letter. You do not need to wait a day more (or in my case in good ol days; 3 months payment slip). I envied your opportunity for this special service made by the banks.
We still remembered the pain to collect 10% downpayments and the hassle of getting guarantor. However, every contract has it's own policies, terms and conditions.
As you would notice above, you are entitled to this special policy when you are:
  1. less than 30 years old
  2. having RM1500 monthly income (this includes bonus, not just your basics)
  3. working with government, GLC and listed companies. Factories are included (we will see your working place validity before doing any decision, so just enquire us about your working place if you are not sure)
  4. diploma/ degree or higher graduates. 
  5. given your appoint letter (come to us as early as 1st day you got your letter)
If you have worked for quite sometime...hey don't worry you are still entitled to get this service as long as you are not at the age limit. In a nutshell, this condition is highly influence by time; your time. Come and grab your opportunity while the offer stands for you.

Call us at 0122504625 or email at

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