Sunday, August 14, 2011

Proton Cars; among the top reliable car

I had one experience where a friend downgraded Proton car saying that the manufacturing quality is very low. I think she is still living in the 80's when Proton was still taking its baby steps towards perfection in automobile industry. She even stated that a relative quit his job in Proton because he did not want to bear the responsibility of killing people on the road. Oh! Come on!

However recently in July, Direct Line Breakdown in London revealed that Proton is one of the few most reliable cars on British roads. This result is through their research on the car's reliability. Other makes that are among the reliable cars are Honda, Toyota, Mazda and Nissan. Proton coming hot on the heels of these famous makes to be the fifth least likely to suffer mechanical breakdown.

Well their poll said that most consumers saw Volkswagen, mercedes and BMW to be perceived to be the most mechanically reliable. There goes the assumption that the more expensive a car the better it is has been proven wrong definitely. The poll sure tells us that the consumer beliefs are inconsistent with reality. All of the reports are based on consumers' opinion on the makes of their car based on their experiences. The British sure agree that Proton's reliability making drivers pay less

The research was undertaken by YouGov from April 26–28, with a sample of 2,011 adult respondents. Why does Malaysian's has low opinion to Proton then? This is most probably because different drivers drive differently, thus the reliability slope down by the way you handle the car. Direct Line statistics show that more than half of all breakdowns - across all makes of car - can be attributed to driver fault rather than mechanical so breakdown cover is essential no matter what car you drive.

Here is the actual news:

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